DD-WRT is a Linux-based firmware project developed to upgrade and enhance wireless Internet routers.
This open-source firmware was developed for specific router models and is used as a replacement for the factory default firmware. This modification lifts restrictions built-in to the default firmware, providing advanced capabilities to make your internet and home network more controllable and versatile.
It supports more than 200 different devices including D-link, Linksys, Cisco, Asus, and Buffalo etc.
To see if your router is supported, you may refer to
this list.
The installation of DD-WRT varies depending on your router, but the general instructions are pretty much the same. Here’s how it usually works:
1. Log into your router’s admin page. It is usually located at 192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x. For example, most Linksys routers host their admin pages at Consult your router’s manual for its admin address if you don’t know it.
2. Go to the Utilities section and choose Upgrade Firmware.
3. Choose “Browse” and find your DD-WRT firmware(download
4. Upload it and wait for your router to update. Do not unplug or do anything to the router until it finishes updating.