Domain Registration Domain Registration

How to register a domain name?

Registering your domain name is the first step in establishing your online presence and reaching visitors. We'll show you how to register your domain name with us.

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How to choose a domain extension?

TLD stands for Top-Level Domain. A TLD is the most generic portion of a domain name. It is found in the rightmost position of a domain name. We offer a variety of domain name extensions including the newest extensions available on the market. Obviously a .com extension remains the default option, but an extension can be used for many purposes. As it is becoming more and more important to protect brand identity, companies are registering multiple TLDs.

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How to set up DNS records for your domain name?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phone book of the Internet. People access information online through easy-to-remember domain names. Computers communicate through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.

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How to set up DNSSEC with your domain registrar?

DNSSEC stands for Domain Name System Security Extensions and it is a feature of the Domain Name System (DNS) that authenticates responses to domain name DNS queries. DNSSEC does not hide DNS lookup results, but it prevents attackers from falsifying the responses to DNS requests.

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How do add a glue record for your domain?

DNS is the lifeline and backbone for online systems. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses and lays the foundation for the World Wide Web which is why it is extremely important. A glue record provides the IP address of a nameserver so that the domain can be resolved in the case where the name server is hosted at the same domain as the domain name itself.

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How to set name servers for your domain name?

A name server is a server which controls the DNS for a domain. It handles queries or questions from your local computer, about the location of a domain name's various services. Domain Name Servers are the Internet's equivalent of a phone book.

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How to enable domain WHOIS privacy?

ICANN allows registrars to provide approved and regulated domain privacy feature so that the registrant's contact details are hidden but they can be reached via a contact form or similar. This tutorial shows how to activate WHOIS privacy for domain names registered with Dynu.

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Transferring your domain to Dynu

If you want to transfer your domain name from your current registrar to Dynu in order to avail free dynamic DNS services as well as low costs, please click here to place a domain transfer. Please note that you will receive one or more years of service extra based on number of years of domain registration you choose to purchase.

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Common reasons for a domain transfer to fail

There are several common reasons why a domain registration transfer can fail: Invalid Auth Code, 60-day Lock, Status Prohibits Operation, Failure to Respond to Approval Email, IPS Tag Change Needed.

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What do the transfer statuses mean?

After you place a domain transfer order, you may see different statues in Transfer status in the control panel. Here is a detailed description of what each of the statuses means.

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How to transfer a domain name out?

You can transfer your domain away from Dynu and to another registrar at any time. Follow our transfer checklist in this tutorial and you will have a smooth transfer.

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Lifecycle of expired domains

Expired domains go through different stages. This tutorial explains what those stages are and what your options are if you want to recover the domain name. Once a domain expires, it goes through three periods that make it increasingly difficult (and more expensive) to renew. To avoid downtime and high fees, renew your domain well before the expiration date and enable auto-renewal for important domains.

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How to set my domain name to renew automatically?

To some individuals and businesses, your website is the address your customer need to arrive on your digital doorstep. If you don't renew your domain name and it expires, you will face downtime or sometimes lose your domain entirely. For this reason, many customers like to keep their domain names on auto-renewal, so the domain never expires. This tutorial shows you how to set your Dynu domain to renew automatically.

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How to renew your domain name?

A domain is an essential aspect of a business and keeping it up and running is crucial to business operations. Not renewing your domain name on time not only costs you cash, but also your brand name and reputation. You do not lose any time for renewing early. If it is a live domain, we suggest that you always keep the domain's expiration date a few years into the current year.

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.CLUB domain names

.CLUB is the most popular new domain extension introduced thus far as part of the internet’s recent namespace expansion. It represents community and people coming together around a common interest or passion. For this reason, .CLUB is a great name for any business with a membership, subscription, loyalty or reward program.

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.COM domain names

According to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) root zone database, there are currently 1,591 registered domain extensions. .COM is undoubtfully the most common domain extension of all, with .COM domains extensions accounted for 46% of global websites as of December 2023. .COM is hands-down the go-to for domain extensions.

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.EU domain names

A .eu domain name is perfect if you conduct business in the European Union and want to target pan-European or cross-border audiences. Adding .eu to your domain portfolio will help you target your different audiences more effectively.

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.NET domain names

Same as .com, .net is considered generic top-level domain, as opposed to Country code top-level domain which is restricted to a specific use or audience. As a result, .net and .com are both commonly used by a variety of individuals and organizations for various purposes.

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.ORG domain names

.COM and .NET domains are managed by Verisign, while .ORG TLD has Public Interest Registry (PIR) as the registry. The .ORG name is truncated from 'organization' and is mostly used by non-profit entities such as non-profits, personal sites, open-source projects and educational platforms etc.

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.UK domain names

.uk is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Starting from June 10, 2014, the long awaited .uk TLD became available. The new .uk domain is shorter and sharper and puts the emphasis firmly on your website name. For companies and individuals aiming to reach the internet users in the United Kingdom, .uk domain names are needed to gain a competitive advantage.

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