DDNS not updating DDNS not updating

Argomento: DDNS not updating

Post DDNS not updating
di Keith Giles su mercoledì 10 giugno 2015

The public IP at our office changed, but the DDNS did not update with it. Our hostname is still mapped to the old IP. What could be causing this? Thank you.

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Post Re: DDNS not updating
di timothytw su venerdì 12 giugno 2015

Could you please let us know your hostname and what client software or router you are using to update the IP for that hostname?

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Post Re: DDNS not updating
di gilesitis su venerdì 12 giugno 2015

It is romc.dynu.net. I believe it is a Westell router/modem and I will double check on the client software.

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Post Re: DDNS not updating
di timothytw su venerdì 12 giugno 2015

You need to setup dynamic DNS service in your router or run the IP update client software on your computer to keep your hostname mapped to the most curret IP at all times.

You may refer to https://www.dynu.com/DynamicDNS/IPUpdateClient to download the appropriate client software. Alternatively, you may send us a screenshot of your router dynamic DNS settings so that we may help you with the configurations.

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Post Re: DDNS not updating
di gilesitis su venerdì 12 giugno 2015

Ok thanks. I will try to send you a screen shot.

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Post Re: DDNS not updating
di vpn2ddns su lunedì 17 giugno 2024


im having the same issue with a cisco router. CLI say sussessfull update but into the dashboard no track any IP change.

Try to opne a TK for assistance.

Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: DYNDNSUPD: Adding DNS mapping for xxx.ddnsfree.com <=>
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNS: Update add called for xxx.ddnsfree.com <=>
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: Session ID = 0xBC
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: URL = 'http://api.dynu.com/nic/update?hostname=xxx&password=xxx'
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: Sending request
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: Response for update xxx.ddnsfree.com <=>

Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: DATA START
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: DATA END, Status is Response data recieved, successfully
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: Call returned SUCCESS, update of xxx.ddnsfree.com <=> succeeded
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: DYNDNSUPD: Another update completed (outstanding=0, total=0)
Jun 17 2024 17:31:57 GMTSumm: HTTPDNSUPD: Clearing all session 188 info

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Post Ri: DDNS not updating
di vpn2ddns su mercoledì 19 giugno 2024

ok, my mistake.
cisco ip ddns client trick me so now it's everithing fine.
Thanks Dynu for you free services.

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venerdì 25 ottobre 2024 04:14