Product suggestion: Email redirect to - Email Store-Forward Product suggestion: Email...

Topic: Product suggestion: Email redirect to - Email Store-Forward

Post Product suggestion: Email redirect to - Email Store-Forward
by Finepixels on samedi 23 avril 2022


I am an Email store/forward service user. I am pretty happy with the service. Thanks, Dynu.

I have suggestions for the service. Since I am using a home NAS, the server may occur downtime due to maintenance, power/internet outage, etc. I saw that there is an email redirect feature on the management page (See the screenshot attached). However, it can only redirect the emails to the domain that is registered under this service.

If for some reason, my NAS is down, I can't receive any email. If the email redirect could allow me to temporarily redirect to a different email domain, that will be great. So I don't need to worry about the power/internet outage.

I think most of the Email store/forward users are home NAS users. This feature could make them peace of mind even if the NAS is downtime for days.


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Post Re: Product suggestion: Email redirect to - Email Store-Forward
by finepixels on dimanche 10 juillet 2022

Now things are happening. Rogers nationwide outage caused all my emails to be queued and unable to deliver to my NAS. I am unable to download or read queued emails.

If I can change the mailbox to redirect emails to my Gmail, then I don't need to worry about either power or internet outage.

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mardi 11 février 2025 04:07